
Showing posts from April, 2021

How the components have used understanding of research undertaken on real media products (U20:M3)​ How the codes and conventions considered in planning have been met and how this was achieved (U20:M3)​ How the technical and aesthetic properties of the adverts meet the requirements of the client brief and the pre-production plan you made (U20:D2)

M3 & D2 For both of my advertisements I have tried to follow the codes and conventions in order to make them the best I possibly can. In order to to appeal to my main target audiences I needed to follow the codes and conventions, because of this, I will be reviewing my adverts and comparing them to some of the industries finest. As well as this, I will also be comparing my adverts to Carter Soft Drinks client brief, and I'll be looking at how I've performed and whether or not I reached the target for the company. M3 Before I delve into my adverts, I need to explain what Codes and Conventions are;  Codes: Codes are the signs in media which create meaning and connotations to the audience, they come in 3 forms; Symbolic Codes, Technical Codes and Written Codes .   Symbolic Codes:  These often come in the form of colour, the setting and the acting. Symbolic codes relate to people because these codes exist outside of the media product, Symbolic codes are als...

P4 (U20): Create production materials to be used in the original media product , Learning Outcome 3 (U20): Be able to produce the planned media components

Can This is the design I've created for my can  My can design on a prototype can LED Board This is the design for my LED board, the design features a dark background with neon lettering in order to stand out. If it was animated, the neon letters would flicker to give it the effect of a real neon sign.  An example of an LED board that I have created. This would feature in city centres and outside of shops in order to advertise our product  Social Media This is my social media ad which will target most of my audience, especially my younger audience